Mural of the Month! Ode to the West Wind

Spring is sprung and the weather is heating up! We are all starting to get out and out about and now when MURAL OF THE MONTH appears, there really is no excuse to not go and look. And as I am kind, I decided we would look at one in central London, Soho, no less!

In fact anyone who regularly parades the area will have seen it. It’s called Ode to The West Wind. And it’s actually fairly unusual to get Central London murals. I wish I knew a bit more about how this one happened in Soho!

Unsurprisingly, it is a little bit of a baffling painting. Not a particularly obvious narrative, which most murals have. However , this piece was done by the London Wall Mural Group whose other work veer towards being abstract in style.

The painted plaque gives a bit more about title, date and artist. However, it still doesn’t tell you much about the mural content… if you want to read about that, look here!

I like the large tree and the reflection of this shape using the buttress leading up to some kind of vaulting.

And of course, who is the mystery person? We are presuming it’s female. Is it the painter or someone else? Answers on a nice email please!

This figure is quite relaxed considering the large tree is breaking up next to her! Anyway, let enjoy the painting which is in fairly good condition and hope it hangs around to baffle a few more people.

Go on folks! On the bus to visit it! Location here!

About londonmuralpreservationsociety

The London Mural Preservation Society aims to bring murals created over the last 40 years back into the attention of the people of London and out further afield into the rest of the UK and the world.
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